Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Telling - Times Four

Post for Monday May 23

Linda Hanson's class at Lakenheath RAF Elementary School.

Telling to kindergartners. So much fun!

The eight classes of kindergartners (5 year-olds) are split into groups of two classes each, about 30-40 children in each group. These are children of the US miltary personell on the base. I tell for about twenty minutes to each group, spread out over the day.

I start off talking about how "stealing" is not a good thing. Several children share that things have been stolen from them. "Do you think someone can steal a smell?" I ask, and proceed to tell "Stealing Smells." They all breathe in and smell on cue. They each guess at what the Judge will decide. Will he make the girl pay? They all agree that the judgement fits the crime.

They want a "scary" story and I tell "How Mosquitos Came to Be" where clever Jack kills the blood sucking giant, cuts him up, throws him into the fire and the ashes turn into mosquitos who forever search out humans to suck their blood. They wanted more scary stories, but I shifted gears.

Some heard "The Princess and the Storyteller Frog." Some heard my version of "Something from Nothing" or " The Otters and the Fox." Others made the sounds of all the animals in "A Big Quiet House." All groups got a little bit of magic with a dissapearing red scarf.

For each group, I finished by guiding them in telling a "group story" where they chose the characters, actions and dialogue. The best of the group stories was about a mosquito named Quito, and a lizzard named Lizzy. They walked to the market where Lizzie bought some shoes. Quito looked down at the shoes and said, "Those shoes are lovely!" I have all the children repeat her words, then - I seize the moment!

"All of the boys, raise your hands - say that line again."
The boys, "Those shoes are lovely!"
"Young men, you will need to remember that line, and say it often in your life. Say it again."
The boys, "Those shoes are lovely!"

The boys, "Those shoes are lovely!"

I just couldn't resist.


  1. Mark! You are such a funny guy...your shoes are lovely..you slay me! Great job with the kiddos.

  2. What did you think of my shoes? What a wonderful storyteller you are!

  3. Your blog is lovely! Little Tiggers are such a challenge for me. Fun to be inspired by your work.


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