Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday - Market Day

Cookie bought a new bike last year, so he has two now. He is trying to sell the old one at the market, but no one seems interested.

Market day, "Pound-a-bowl!" That's the cry of the fruit and vegetable mongers in market square. Some have 4-5 plums in a bowl, other vendors  have 10-12. Still, the ballyhoo is the same. Hawking their wares to passers-by; some purchase, others stop to talk, and others speed by, intent on getting somewhere. Today I am a slow walker. No place to be, no place special to go, just enjoying the ambiance and the people.

The festival is actually going on all over the city. Often, street performers display their talent: jugglers, magicians, and even strange, small "skits" can be seen. Today, there are three young ladies pushing carts with tea service on them. They are quite jolly and talketive with the crowd. Then they burst into monologue, song and dance, all about tea. Yes, that's right, the national beverage, tea.

It's all quite in fun. There is a man hidden inside of a large pot on one of the carts who pops up to the surprise of the crowd. Their little "pastiche" goes on for about twenty minutes, using unsuspecting audience members as foils for their frivolity. As they exit down the street, I ask a festival representative if they are a local troup. She tells me they are from Winchestor,and the festival actually "commissioned" them to create the piece. Oh my. . .I am thinking, with that kind of attitude, I could make a bundle here!!!!

The rest of the lazy day is spent helping Cookie hawk his bike, "How about a bike for the little one there. He'll grow into it." No luck.

I also e-mail back and forth with my friend Linda from Cambridge. We met on the plane coming back last year. She teaches kindergarten at a US military base. We solidify plans for me to train there Sunday and visit, then do some storytelling at the school on Monday.

We finish up, as always, in a pub (the Cathedral Hotel) charging our electronics, having a bit of desert, and, oh yes. . .a spot of tea.

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