Sunday, May 10, 2009

Almost a year!

Wow, I cant believe it has been almost a year since my last post. I had made a pact with myself that I would do more writing... Hmmm.

My latest adventure has been Storytelling. I have been telling stories since I can remember. Mostly jokes or humorous (I hope) stories. Then I came across a Storytelling class at South Mountain College here in Phoenix. I believe the only college that offers a full "certificate" in Storytelling. I am not sure what the certificate signifies, other than one has gone through the entire program. I am not taking it for the grade (I have never been interested in grades).

I wanted to see what an actual class in the Art of Story Telling would be like. Who would I meet? What might I learn? What might I learn about myself?

Well, a lot!

One important piece I had not expected. I have learned to appreciate other tellers and their styles. I still procrastinate about homework and assignments (duh). But the end result? I AM LOVING IT!

My instructor was great. Doug Bland is a wonderful storyteller and a great teacher He provided a very safe place for everyone to learn and experience storytelling.

I have renewed energy as I have returned to my roots as a performer. In storytelling, I have found an outlet for not only sharing personal stories and experiences, but a new way to entertain and teach; two of my greatest loves.

More stories are on the way...

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